WILMINGTON VENDor application form
Want a spot to sell your items at the Ladybug Festival in Wilmington? Let us know!

THIS APPLICATION IS an interest form for the wilmington event only.
there are limited spots. Your business is not guaranteed to be choseN to participate.
Important information on what to expect, if chosen:
- The festival will take place on Market Street, in Wilmington, DE, on Friday, May 30, 2025 from 5PM to 10PM, with a load in time of 1PM-3PM.
- Each Vendor selected will be given one 10ft. x 10ft. space on the street during the festival. Food Trucks will be permitted a 10ft. x 20ft. space.
- Tents, tables, chairs, and electricity are NOT PROVIDED. All Food Trucks must have a quiet generator.
- All tents must be secured by weights, NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Once your application is received and approved, you'll be sent a formal vendor agreement to be signed and payment will be due within 15 DAYS, to secure your spot.
- City of Wilmington Vendor business license fee for the day will be covered by The Ladybug Music Festival. All Vendors MUST HAVE Board of Health Certification & any appropriate state licensing to sell food.
- Vendor fees range from $100 to $300 depending on the type of vendor. This year we are collecting all vendor info together including merchants, services, nonprofits and food trucks. Once selected each vendor will receive the appropriate information and instructions based on their type of vending.
If you have any other questions before submitting your application, please reach out to vending@theladybugfestival.com